Recyling in Action
While many organisations both charitable and
commercial collect empty laser printer cartridges for remanufacturing,
Recycling in Action also will collect cartridges which are
send these for stripping and regranulation of the plastics. They
have a unique process for washing and granulating mainly the black
cartridges. They use the generated regrind in an extrusion process
for moulded applications.
This is great from an environmental point
of view as it closes the loop! We suggest that the best savings
in cost as well as the best environmental practice is to buy good
quality remanufactured cartridges where these are available in
the first place, to refill using our refill toner until the cartridge
is worn out and then to sent the cartridge for stripping and recycling
of the component material. The last part is the hardest as there
are few people who will accept cartridges for stripping and recycling
if they are not suited for remanufacturing. Congratulations to
Barnet for providing this service!
Note: Most cartridge remanufacturers work
only with "virgin" cartridges and not those that have
already been remanufactured once.

and support service provided, particularly for small and medium-sized
businesses, by Business Links.
This web site has been designed to enable
you to access easily and quickly and at no charge information
on a range of environmental issues relevant to your business.
It also signposts and links you to sources of more detailed information.

WRAP's mission is to accelerate resource efficiency
by creating efficient markets for recycled materials and products,
while removing barriers to waste minimisation, re-use and recycling.

Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
The Government's approach - delivering UK sustainable development
These pages have been developed as a guide for businesses, in
service industries as well as manufacturing, to become more resource
efficient, competitive and socially responsible. They demonstrate
the business case for taking action, showcase companies that are
already benefiting from taking the lead, and provide information
on how to seize these opportunities to advance your business.

Furniture to get rid of?
Green-Works is a not-for-profit social
enterprise providing office furniture to schools, charities, community
groups and start-up businesses that need it.
Green-Works is an award winning social enterprise
that bridges the gap between organisations with redundant office
furniture and schools, charities, community groups and small businesses
that need it. Although used, the furniture is well made and high
quality and we offer it for sale at heavily discounted prices.
Hundreds of organisations have benefited from our low cost office
furniture and have been able instead to concentrate their funds
on core activities. In addition to diverting furniture from landfill,
all warehouse operations are based in deprived areas to create
jobs and training opportunities for disadvantaged people.

The Ecologist Magazine
An excellent magazine for those interested
in ecological matters!

Wastewatch is a charity devoted to promoting action on waste reduction,
reuse and recycling.
They publish the Green Office Manual. (Or
is it now Earth Scan that do that?) Anyway the manual is available